Friends and Frenemies….we all have them!

I’ve been thinking about the people who have come and gone from my life. Some were friends. Some became frenemies.

I have a handful of good really friends…and a couple of those are the “I can call you at 4 am” type of friend. Those are the ones I cherish the most. Those types of friends are so rare! ! My mom told me that I should strive to have one or two of those “4 am” friends because that’s all I really need.

(Hey 4 am friend….I know your are reading this….so I just want to get confirmation that it is okay to call you in the middle of the night on those occasions when I am coming apart at the seams!  ! )

But having other kinds of friends is good too. Not every one has to be a close friend. I have friends from high school, the old neighborhood, co-workers (past and present), and Facebook friends. All have a special place in my life, but very few really know me or would want to!

Then there are the frenemies. They aren’t friends by any means, but they aren’t enemies in the true sense of the word.  These are the people who you don’t want in your life for a variety of reasons. They’ve hurt you in some way such as cheating, lying, or backstabbing. They are the people who have used you to get ahead or to get what they want.

No one wants them or needs them, but we all know them and have them in our life. You have to watch out for these people because they will still suck the life out of you when you are not looking.

I’ve got this frenemy. She’s sweet and kind to your face. She pretends that she is all roses and fairy dust. As soon as you turn your back, she becomes all out ugly! !  She loves to gossip about people. I know that if she is gossiping about someone behind their back, she is gossiping about me  behind mine. That’s just how it goes!

This girl is a piece of work. She plays the game well. When you first meet her, you think she’s just the perfect friend. As time goes on, you begin to see the ugliness that is inside her. She’s a hypocrite too.  She just walks around preaching about being a God fearing person, but no one who fears God would ever do or say the things that she does!

So you eliminate these people from your life. You banish them to the world of past friends. Well, a word to the wise it’s always better to keep one eye on a frenemy because you’re best bet is to know what’s going on in the background. Afterall, you surely wouldn’t want to get blindsided by someone like that!

While we are on the subject, do you have “one of those friends” that you keep around just for the entertainment value. I have a Facebook friend like that. I’m not even sure how we became friends. I think she became my neighbor back when I was playing Farmville.

She’s a bit of an odd ball. She is paranoid about computer hackers. Sure, it’s a valid concern, but not to the extreme that she fears it. She updates her status probably 25 times a day. No matter when I log on to Facebook, there is a post written by her on my wall! Her updates includes everything. She tells what she ate, what she cooked, stories about her husband’s job, and all her health issues. Most annoying is the constant posts about her Facebook games. She shares no personal information (probably because she thinks I am a hacker).

So why is she still my “friend”, you ask? Oh the sheer amusement of the comments is worth the bit of annoyance! I know that sounds mean, but I don’t make nasty comments, I just read them!

So anyway, I cherish those people close to me, and I stalk my frenemies just to be sure they are on the path running opposite mine! LOL!

Ok time for bed…. I’m getting weird now! ! !

Note: This is being written on my Droid Bionic. Please excuse typos and grammatical errors. Swype had a mind of its own, and its true calling is to make me look like I am illiterate!